A selection of helpful notices from my office

Sometimes I feel as if I have too much information in my life. Newspapers, news on television, magazines, emails, magazines, books, newsletters, websites … And today I counted 8 notices in the (very small) kitchen and 4 in the (also small) bathroom. See selection of most ridiculous below.

Kitchen notice with mouse picture

A very tidy mouse

kitchen notice about using too much milk

A mug half-full or half-empty?

kitchen notice about sandwich press

Simple sandwich rules

Bathroom notice about proper toilet use

Improper toilet use

3 responses to “A selection of helpful notices from my office

  1. I utterly love the quotation marks around the “please” on the sandwich toaster notice.


  2. LOL – they are absolutely hilarious. My favourite is the toilet sign. My god you work in strange place Ms LLJ


  3. This was what I did when I was sharing apartment with others. Notices every where.

    Any chance the person who posted these notices Asian? ^_^


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